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The Nemedian Trilogy: Book 01 - The Wizard's Magic Kingdom Read online

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  Ragni continued, “Yes. The emissary asked for the Jarl’s help to route out the filth.”

  Gizurr picked up one of the tankards of ale then sat down opposite his friend. His expression dark, “Their blood’s blacker than a Tarn’s eye, I thought most were slain at Malakan.”

  “Egill’s not sending any clan leaders to Ellington to debate this to make his support official, but he’s prepared to pay good money for mercenaries interested in blood sports,” continued Ragni.

  Gizurr felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up from where he was sat to see that it belonged to Mistress Inga. She was very similar in stature and countenance to Gizurr, but with a wispy red beard that although other races may mistake as being male, any Dwarf would know as otherwise.

  “Good evening you sexy beast,” she said with a mischievous glint in her eye and all discussion of The Frozen North was quickly forgotten.

  * * * *

  Ethan awoke in a room filled with bright sunlight. He felt confused at his surroundings and rapidly came to the conclusion that he must be in a hospital. He found himself lying in a large bed and the décor of everything around him was entirely white. Rubbing his eyes to remove the last vestiges of sleep, he then flung off his bed covers and padded softly over to the window to look outside. He blinked. His next conclusion was that he was probably in the mental ward of a hospital. Outside in the garden below his first floor window a group of three girls and four boys were gathered. He noticed that they were wearing identical robes to those he had seen both Cara and Master Bedwyr wear. An elderly man in similar attire provided feedback on their group attempts to levitate. A young girl waved cheerily at Ethan as she slowly floated past his window and received a loud round of applause from onlookers in the garden below.

  Ethan closed the curtains.

  A knock outside his door made him jump. Although it was a gentle knock, it might as well have been a fog horn.

  “Come in,” said Ethan wondering if it was a psychiatrist delivering his sedatives.

  Cara entered the room smiling with a tray of food and jug of something steaming.

  “I thought you’d be hungry, so I’ve brought some bread and honey and P’ka to wash it down with. The P’ka is best served hot so it’s a good idea to-,” she paused and frowned, “what’s the matter?”

  Ethan stood silent for a moment before replying, “You’re not real,” he stated simply.

  “Oh dear, I had hoped you wouldn’t—”

  Ethan ran past Cara out of the open door and into the corridor. He heard her shout the words “Master Bedwyr!” as he sprinted away. Spying an open door, he darted inside and quickly closed it behind him. Grabbing an old antique chair that he briefly noted was oddly decorated with images of Dragons, he lodged it firmly under the door knob. This would buy him a few moments to think! He realised that he needed a change of clothing and some shoes.

  He spun around to see what the room contained and spied a large antique desk surrounded by a few chairs. He darted forward and quickly opened one of its drawers.

  “Blue or black ink today sir?” asked a talking pen gleaming merrily up at him.

  Ethan slumped back into a nearby chair.

  He heard the sound of footsteps outside the door and the doorknob rattled, “It’s lodged shut from the inside I think,” said a voice that sounded like it belonged to Master Bedwyr.

  “Wait, I’m coming out,” announced Ethan, “I realise that I’m not well.”

  He got up and travelled over to the door, removed the chair and calmly opened it. He saw the worried expressions of Cara and Master Bedwyr. Cara’s earlier shout to Master Bedwyr had also attracted an additional small crowd of onlookers. They were all dressed in the same robes with the image of a sun shaped disc around their necks.

  “My boy, you’re in a state of shock, we should have realised,” said Master Bedwyr with concern, “take Ethan back to his room so that he can get dressed, then bring him to my study,” he instructed Cara.

  She nodded as her eyes fixed upon Ethan and gently took his hand. He allowed himself to be led back to his room and Cara closed the door once they were inside.

  “Your clothes are in the wardrobe,” she said softly, “I think you should eat and drink something first though.”

  Travelling over to the abandoned tray that she brought in earlier, she poured out some of the liquid from the jug into a cup and handed it to him.

  “Looks like tea,” he stated numbly and took a sip, “tastes like it too,” he added, his eyes vacant.

  Suddenly Cara was in front of him and holding each side of his face with her hands. Pulling his face down towards hers, she kissed him softly. “There, as I promised you,” she breathed after a few moments, “that was real and so am I.”

  Their eyes met and he saw that curious look flash again across her face. She quickly stepped away and headed towards the wardrobe.

  “Eat some of the bread and honey. You can wear your own clothes or some of ours if you prefer.”

  “Mine for now please,” replied a confused Ethan as he watched a flushed Cara move quickly towards the door and quickly leave the room.

  Within his private study Master Bedwyr studied a large book and mumbled to himself as he quickly read its contents. He squinted at it while holding it out at arm’s length then quietly berated himself as he remembered that his spectacles were on top of his head. With a quick motion born of familiarity, he flipped them down to rest on top of his oversized nose then smiled cheerily as he continued to read.

  A knock at the door caused him to look up, “Come in!” he replied leaning back sharply into his chair that was carved to look like a sleeping Dragon.

  Cara entered the room followed by a nervous looking and now fully dressed Ethan. “Sit down, sit down!” repeated Master Bedwyr with a beaming smile as he gestured towards two vacant chairs near to the front of his desk, “My boy, I’m sure that you must have a lot of questions,” he added as his warm eyes twinkled.

  “Why do I have to be male?” asked Ethan getting straight to the point, “and, why am I really here? Also, what are you planning to do with me?” he added.

  “I say! That’s a lot of questions and they are very direct,” Master Bedwyr glanced quizzically at Cara, “what have you been telling the boy and why are your cheeks so red?”

  Cara blinked and started to open her mouth to answer but Master Bedwyr had already begun talking again, “Right well, the male thing is because Princess Talina prefers boys to girls and the answer to your other questions are that you’re here to meet the princess and we’re planning on marrying you off to her.”

  “Master Bedwyr!” gasped Cara in horror “You can’t go blurting that sort of thing out!” She quickly darted a concerned look at Ethan who was staring blankly at Master Bedwyr, “Anyway, it isn’t necessarily true” she added, “you will be liaising with her that’s true, but only with regards to the ancient ritual that I already spoke to you about.”

  “The princess is really quite pretty you know,” interceded Master Bedwyr mischievously.

  “Master Bedwyr! squawked Cara.

  A few moments passed as both Master Bedwyr and Cara waited for a response from Ethan. He didn’t say anything for some considerable time as he studied their faces closely. “Well, thank you for your honesty,” he finally mumbled.

  “No problem my boy,” replied Master Bedwyr with a reassuring wink, “of course, Cara is right in saying that you don’t have to marry anyone, but I think it’s always best you know where you stand.”

  Cara let out a noisy sigh and looked away.

  “What now?” Ethan asked.

  “Now, we get you into some Nemedian clothing so you won’t stand out from the crowd,” he smirked, “you can dress in something fancy when we arrive in Findias to enamour the Princess.” Cara by this time was glaring at him but he didn’t seem to notice.

  At dawn, they had arrived at the local ferry located on the island’s most northerly port of Milvin. The running of the
academy had been left in the capable hands of Master Zilvan, a seemingly reasonable fellow, but with a cooler disposition than that of Master Bedwyr.

  As their journey was to remain secretive, Ethan had been asked to change his clothing to avoid unwarranted attention. He had changed out of his work clothing of black trousers, shoes and white cotton shirt into a pair of brown leather breaches, boots and jerkin, coupled with a green woollen shirt and cloak for added warmth.

  He walked quietly alongside an introspective looking Cara who was dressed in similar attire. Master Bedwyr wore similar clothing but although he had insisted on adding a Dragon brooch onto his cloak. He also carried with him a moderately sized book that he had carefully stored inside his left breast pocket.

  “What are you thinking about?” asked Ethan as he stared at the profiled face of Cara.

  “Nothing really,” she replied seemingly unwilling to speak further so Ethan left her to her thoughts.

  The town’s notoriously devious ferryman named Bindan strode towards the group. “Fifteen cinterns each if you please,” he stated matter-of-factly. “Fifteen each?” snorted Cara speaking of her own volition for the first time that day. “Yes fifteen each, inflation is a terrible thing,” the man smirked.

  “Then we must pay the fee to gain passage on your beautiful ---er thing,” interjected Master Bedwyr with a forced smile as he dropped the coins into the ferryman’s grubby outstretched palm.

  “Just be quiet and don’t draw attention to yourself,” the Grand Mage whispered as he leant towards her left ear.

  “Where you headed to?” asked the grubby ferryman with a hard glint in his eye as he motioned them onto the ferry.

  “Nowhere special, just visiting some friends in Dukar,” replied Master Bedwyr as he quickly walked past the man and boarded the vessel.

  With an expression as if he didn’t believe a word of what he’d been told, he grunted in reply, stepped on board then slipped the mooring ropes. Within moments, they had begun their journey towards the port of Dukar.

  “I’d say current travelling conditions we will be travelling on this ferry for about five to six hours, so best to get some rest.” Master Bedwyr smiled.

  “Can’t we rest when we get to Dukar?” Ethan asked.

  “Best not, if I know anything of this Bindan character, he will be having us followed within a few hours,” whispered Master Bedwyr. His expression darkened, “he knows who I am and that something is afoot. I don’t want him to find us in Dukar. It is safer for all of us if we leave town as quickly as possible.”

  “How do we do that?”

  “I’ve got three horses waiting for us. We’re heading East along the coast for some of the way, then North East across the plains of Nemedia. It involves at least three weeks of travel,” he saw Ethan’s eyes widen. “I’m sorry Ethan but I have no other way of getting you there directly.”

  “Why didn’t you teleport me directly there?’ blurted out an exasperated Ethan.

  “Quiet!” gasped an alarmed Master Bedwyr, his eyes quickly darting towards the ferryman who stood at the helm of the vessel with his back to them. Grabbing hold of Ethan by the collar, he unceremoniously dragged him down towards the galley way, “If you want to get yourself kidnapped or even killed, then you’re going the right way about it. Be quiet boy!” Ethan blanched as the words were spat directly into his left ear. “Teleport spells can only transport a person to where the mage is located,” seemingly returning to his more relaxed self, the old man lifted his head and spoke in a much louder voice, “Yes I know you hate travelling by sea, but really my boy, Dukar isn’t that far then you can enjoy your holiday and see your friends,” he spoke in a voice so loud that Bindan couldn’t fail to hear.

  * * * *

  The animal markings were unfamiliar. A frown creased across Jeztan’s forehead as he stared at the forest floor. A seasoned scout and tracker, he was able to instantly recognise all known tracks made by both man and beast. His hands hovered momentarily above the earth as he bent down to examine it. The tracks indicated that an immense hoofed animal has passed by less than twelve hours ago. His skills indicated that the creature must weigh at least half a tonne, yet the large distances between each set of markings revealed that it moved with great speed and agility.

  With a growing sense of unease, he scanned his surroundings. The dense woodland showed signs of great disturbance. Large branches of nearby trees had been snapped as if they were twigs. He surmised that the beast moved primarily on two powerful hind legs, coupled with the occasional use of its two smaller front limbs that had scythed deep gouges into the earth. Jetzan grimaced as he identified a second set of older tracks, indicating that there were now at least two creatures. Both sets of tracks appeared to be heading towards the human settlements located to the South West.

  At their current remarkable speed the beasts would arrive at Ellington in less than four days. There was no way that Jeztan could match their speed on foot, so he decided to head South East towards the Dwarven mining city of Takrak with the view of purchasing a horse. The knowledge that he would not arrive ahead of the creatures to warn the city made his blood run cold. The most first animal had not deviated in its direction while he had been tracking it but it was now too far ahead for him to catch up with it. Whether the creatures would change their path remained to be seen but Jeztan could not take the chance that their direction was merely random. His thoughts filled him with a sense of urgency so he clasped his sword close to his side and began to run.

  Chapter 3

  The milky white eyes of GraJin, one of the most senior Commanders of the Thirteenth Tier glistened in anticipation. Only five years ago, he had sensed a weakening in the veil and he and a handful of his soldiers had managed to break through it before it had closed again. He was not entirely sure why, but during his time inside it he had always sensed that there was something inherently wrong with it. Having successfully returned to Nemedia, he quietly sent forth his soldiers to weave a web of deceit to stir his minions for war.

  Eight days ago, two of his Blood Trackers were sent to Ellington to slaughter the Council of Elders. A second Blood Tracker would arrive shortly after the first to ensure that the job was completed. His familiars, who preferred to travel in the form of ravens, had informed him that the Elves were now scattered across the forests of Nemedia but that the Dwarves had built a powerful defensive city known as Takrak. He would firstly destroy the rulers of men and let his human puppet temporarily take power. He would then turn his attention to the Dragons, the Dwarves and then finally to the Fae.

  * * * *

  Gizurr Eklund awoke with an almighty hangover. He groaned as he struggled to sit up and surveyed his surroundings. Almost immediately, his hangover was forgotten as he surveyed the face of Mistress Inga lying beside him. He noticed with surprise that he was at home, how he managed to get there, he couldn’t remember. He looked down with some disappointment to see that he was still fully clothed but vaguely remembered having enjoyed a thoroughly pleasant evening. The soft snoring sound emanating from Inga told him that she was still asleep. Slowly, he lurched off the bed and headed towards the kitchen for a tankard of water to slate his thirst. He noted that he felt as hungry as a Kazzak and swiftly downed half a loaf from yesterday along with a thick wedge of cheese. Appetite sated, he quickly combed his hair and following a quick wash and change of clothing, he headed outside.

  Although cold, the day had started beautifully. The grass sparkled with the morning dew and the sky was clear as he slowly ambled towards his workshop. Gizurr was eager to see Drengi’s progress from yesterday. He secretly possessed a great affection for the lad, despite his often gruff manner with the boy. Drengi would go far if he was given the right direction and support, and Gizurr had decided long ago that he would be the one to do it.

  Despite being early, there were already signs that the workshop was firing up in readiness for the new day. Drengi stood at the kiln shovelling in coals to feed the fierce inferno that
was required for melting metal.

  “How goes it my lad?” Gizurr asked with an affectionate growl.

  Drengi looked up and replied with a nervous smile “Very good sir, the kiln is not yet hot enough to start work but it should be ready very soon”. He added, “I’ve left the bracelet ready for your inspection on your workbench.”

  “Keep up the good work.” Gizurr grinned as he spied the gleaming bracelet laid upon a cloth and headed towards it. The bracelet danced in response to the early morning sunlight with a life seemingly of its own. Gizurr raised it high above his head to admire it. It was pure silver and spun in several perfect loops, with each loop housing four small blue sapphires, equally spaced and encrusted in sparkling diamond dust.

  “My boy, you have surpassed yourself” Gizurr said admiringly, “this will sell for an absolute fortune and it’s your best work yet.”

  Drengi beamed back a smile at his mentor in response but his eyes showed concern as his saw Gizurr face change to an expression of deep thought. “What is it sir? Have I done something wrong?” Drengi asked with surprise.

  “Not at all!” responded Gizurr quickly, “it’s just that I plan to be away from the Smithy for a few months and I was wondering if you would feel up to running it while I am away? I aim to head out later today with Ragni.” Gizurr’s eyes sparkled as he already knew the answer to his question.

  “Oh yes! I can certainly do that! I have so many ideas to make some really unique jewellery. Would that be alright?” Drengi paused looking nervously at his master “I know what decent price to charge for the items already and how to source all of the raw materials.”

  “Drengi, I trust you implicitly,” grinned Gizurr, “it’s good to know that I am leaving my Smithy in the best of hands.” Gizurr paused, bringing the bracelet close to his chest as he did so, his fingers feeling the fine craftsmanship of the piece, “I am thinking that one day soon you might want to join me as a partner, perhaps this is the best test of your business abilities,” he smiled warmly.